Thursday 30 August 2012

The Art of Food - Part 2

It's the last day of winter today (in New Zealand at least) and I'm rather excited to see spring is on its way with the sunshine streaming through my window. This is part 2 of my look at artists who paint high tea related subjects and I've been enjoying getting to know some contemporary artists.

In my Google searches, I stumbled upon this artist and was instantly hooked. Joel Penkman appears to specialize in still life artworks. A New Zealander by birth, he now lives and paints in the UK. I particularly loved his paintings of tea cups, it reminded me of looking into my grandmother’s china cabinet when I was younger.

But really, these posts are all about the paintings, so here are a few of my favourites that I found on his website. Check out the website for yourself here.


First 9 Teacups
These paintings make me happy, it's funny how art can do that.

But anyway, I'm heading out to high tea at the Heritage Hotel this weekend so watch out for that review next week. Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

H xo

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