Monday 2 July 2012

Mini Cake Baking Tin

Recently, I have discovered an easy way to make mini cakes (not cupcakes). After a trip to the UK, my Mum came home talking about loose bottomed, straight-sided mini cake tins. I hadn’t really heard of them myself, but investigated online and found them at Milly’s Kitchen. As Mother’s Day was coming up at the time, I forwarded the link to my brother, who bought one for Mum. Given my love of baking, I jumped at the chance to test it out, and so made mini carrot cakes. They looked really cute, especially when iced. I guess the only thing I didn’t like was that they had too much ‘edge’ on the cake. I don’t know about you, but the edge of a cake is the part I like the least. I’m looking forward to making mini-cheesecakes in the tin though – the loose bottom will make it super easy (I hope).

I’ll share my carrot cake recipe in the future – it’s one of my favourites, always moist and tasty and pretty much a never fail (unlike my sponge cake experiences). I’m still unsure of my opinion on this cake tin – is it just another baking ‘knick knack’ or does it have genuine usefulness in the kitchen? It still has novelty value with me however, so I’ll keep experimenting with it for now. If you have any ideas of what to make in it, feel free to share them. I’m always up for a baking/high tea challenge.

H xo

Mini carrot cakes

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